2-Main Reasons You Are Not Ready For Becoming A DP-AVATAR..!
Written by Athena on Dec. 5th 2021
Do you really think you have the courage to enter into a new life altering direction? 

I thought I was enrolling in a marketing course not enrolling in a life altering program? To put it mildly for newcomers to DAGGSPRO it literally feels like you are entering into a different dimension. 

In fact, our CEO often laughs about taking his students to Venus but with caution warns them before he starts divulging marketing-lingo that often places our new cadets into a state of shock. 

With that being said, let me give you my 2 main reasons why you are not ready... 

The first reason, you have to realize that digital-marketing is not a new trend and most people mistakenly think facebook marketing is the only form of digital-marketing out there. 

However, this couldn't be further from the truth. There are thousands of creative ways to market online out there in the vast digital-multiverse. 

As a result, you need to have a map or a guide that will help you chart the vast digital-multiverse. Essentially, you need to know which direction to head and which marketing objectives to avoid. 

If you don't have this map or guide then you are entering into uncharted territory and you will lose your shirt trying to figure out which client to invest in. 

The second main reason you are not ready is that you have to forget everything you think you know and be open-minded to pivot towards the direction your guide or guru wants to take you. 

Many cadets struggle with this one because it requires trust and a lot of our cadets simply have blockages that prevent this forward progress. 

Nevertheless, if you have the courage to step into a new dimensional training and you want to change your life and help others do the same then there is no better time to jump into our DP Academy. 

Exploring the vast digital-multiverse is fun when you do it with other DP-Cadets who like you would be working on mastery of their Digital-Ninja skills.  

You are truly just one marketing campaign away from changing your entire financial well-being why wait? 


Athena helps people start and grow successful DP-Avatars. Athena is an expert at helping people get to convert their dreams into digital realites using online methods and making things simple to understand. If you're interested in starting your own DP-Agency and or DP-Digital Empire or scaling up and getting clients then definitely enroll in our DP Academy.
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