The Forgotten Knowledge For Building a Digital Marketing-Empire in the 21-Century 
Written by Athena on Jan. 17th 2021
Why do trends rise and fall? 

Ironically a lot of our students acknowledge that they were hesitant to sign-up for our DP Academy because they believed digital marketing was simply a trend that would die out. 

What many of our students have forgotten is the knowledge that there is nothing new under the sun. What do I mean by this? 

Well, for thousands of thousands if not millions of years humanity has built empires, kingdoms, and various civilizations and many of them have risen to glorious heights and many have simply fallen. 

A key question you need to ask yourself is where did Alexander the Great get his idea and or ability to build an empire from? 

Where did all the ancient people get their innovation and inspiration from? 

Where did the builders of the pyramids get their advanced geometry from? 

If you are concerned about digital marketing simply being a rising trend I can assure you that the time to build your digital-marketing-empire is now! 

In other words, you can simply be a spectator in history or you can be a builder of history either way the choice is completely up to you. 

For the students that have jumped in and said "Yes!" I want to create Financial-Liberation, "Yes!" I want to create a Digital-Marketing-Empire, and "Yes" I want to create Time-Liberation. 

It is because they have not forgotten the knowledge that we as a collective human species have the inner-ability and or drive [instinct] to build, create, and or shape the world to reflect paradise. 

The global economy is shifting into cryptocurrency because it is a more evolved means of exchange and you can either set on the sidelines or dive in and get trained to build your own digital-marketing-empire. 

History waits for no one but the future unfolds into the hands of builders, innovators, and crypto-preneurs.   


Athena helps people start and grow successful DP-Avatars. Athena is an expert at helping people get to convert their dreams into digital realites using online methods and making things simple to understand. If you're interested in starting your own DP-Agency and or DP-Digital Empire or scaling up and getting clients then definitely enroll in our DP Academy.
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